Pre School
Activities are numerous for this age group. They include Cozy Cottage, Winter Garden, Welcome Circle and Reflection activities. Children are given instruction in Literacy, Ethics, Science and Numeracy.

Primary School
Our primary programme offers a flexible curriculum with integrated assessments for five (5) to twelve (12) year olds. Subjects taught in the Primary School are Science, Literacy, Numeracy, Ethics, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Music, Arts and Design Engineering and Physical Education. Lessons are well differentiated to meet gifted learners as well as high and low achieving students.Our primary curriculum builds on academic prowess, social and creative skills. Its built around unleashing students abilities through STEAM and strong Ethics programmes.
Secondary School
Cambridge International AS and A Levels have a proven reputation for being an excellent preparation for university, employment and life. They help develop the in-depth subject knowledge and understanding which are so important to universities and employers. Learners use Cambridge International AS and A Levels to gain places at leading universities worldwide.
ENGLISH as a Second Language (ESL) Students